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Kleargear's parent company issues hilarious press release about company's future

The shady ripoff merchants are doing so well they’re going to start selling through Amazon, and their apparently imaginary bricks-and-mortar sister company Gift World is shutting down.

Calling the numbers on the press release — which has all the hallmarks of a stock-scam — gets you sent to voice-jail in a manner that is perfectly matched to the company’s own structure:

A new phone number appears at the bottom of the press release [(646) 810-9268] which traces back to New York City, but it’s as useless as any other phone number the company has provided. Callers are greeted with an opening spiel in French before being spoken to in English. Callers inquiring about Descoteaux’s retail holdings (Gift World, KlearGear) are asked to press “1.” Doing so results in the message “Invalid selection. Please try again.”

The same goes for every other number on the keypad, except for 8, which dumps you into the company’s directory (where no selection of numbers/letters will put you in touch with a person) and 9, which replays the message you just heard. After 3 or 4 invalid selections, the phone system says “Bye” and disconnects the call.

Callers are also invited to remain on the line for the next available operator, but after five seconds or so the call is disconnected with another recorded “Bye.”

KlearGear Apparently Healthier Than Ever, Announces Plans To Start F**cking Customers Through Amazon Fulfillment [Tim Cushing/Techdirt]

(Image: The scam truck, Jean-Etienne Minh-Duy Poirrier, CC-BY)

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