Tiffiniy Cheng writes, “No governor deserves your attention unless they’re awesome, right? What if the awesomest possible candidate was running against big power right now? Zephyr Teachout is that badass.”
“The Internet has until 9/9 to share this and make politics mean something again. When you share, you’re making possible a vision for an equitable society where everyone has what they need to prosper. As Zephyr said, “Power doesn’t cede power without a fight, but it is a fight I am ready to have if I can gather the resources. Whether in this election cycle or not, politicians like Governor Cuomo need to see a groundswell of support for a bold, progressive, populist new politics. The more we confront them with this vision, the even greater the demand for the vision will be.”
Both Teachout and her running-mate Tim Wu have my unqualified endorsement. I believe that they are sincere about ending corruption, and that they have the vision, strength and integrity to do it. I think the establishment knows it, too — witness Andrew Cuomo’s attempt to have Teachout kicked out of the race on an absurd “residency” challenge (Cuomo said that she’d visited family out-of-state too often to be considered a New Yorker, and was laughed out of court).
I’m very familiar with Teachout’s netroots work, and believe her to be a force of nature, and a force for good. I’ve known Wu since I was 9 years old — we grew up together — and I stand in awe of his analytical powers, his policy depth, and his integrity.
Zephyr Teachout and Tim Wu’s run for Governor and Lt. Governor of NY is about breaking up the old boys club’s stranglehold on our economy and democracy so that we can open up and revive our institutions, neighborhoods, markets, housing, education, health care, politics, and arts for all. If the Internet works together to help, we can secure our freedom to create and grow without having to beg for favors from the elite. Let’s do this.
Honest. Open. Uncorruptible. Responsive. Brilliant.
(Thanks, Tiffiniy!)