Blogging History: Rue 21 tells 14yo she's too big to shop there; Parisian mayors fight each other with road-signs; NYPD deploys LRAD against RNC protesters

One year

Rue 21 tells 14-year-old shopper she's "too big to be in this store": "I walked in and the lady at the front counter said hey you’re too big to be in this store, I need you to leave."

Five years

Mad Parisian mayors fight each other with road signs: The mayors of two Paris suburbs are so mad at each other that they made the D909 road one way in their districts, but one way in opposite directions.

Ten years
RNC-NYC: reported presence of long-range acoustic device (LRAD) at protests: Earlier this month, the New York Police Department showed off a machine called the Long Range Acoustic Device, developed for the military and capable of blasting at an earsplitting 150 decibels — as loud as a firecracker, a jet engine taking off or artillery fire at 500 feet, according to the Noise Center at the League for the Hard of Hearing.