Disruptive Pattern Material: definitive work of all things camouflage

Disruptive Pattern Material: in plain words: camouflage. This massive tome features 5,000 images of all things camouflaged, from silly camouflage fashion (bikinis and handbags), to camouflage in contemporary ads, movies, and art, to natural camouflage among wild animals, to its historical uses in wars past, to the most recent scientific research in disruptive pattern materials. Throughout this masterpiece, thousands of different camouflage patterns are examined, displayed, and recorded. This is one of those books which opens up a world that is far larger, deeper, weirder, and more interesting than you would have ever imagined. Who knew WWII ships were painted in angular op-art “dazzle” patterns? Every page leads down another untraveled path. And there are 700 of these pages in this huge folio. Few other books on the subject exists; this one is, and will be, the definitive work of all matters related to camouflage. It speaks to artist, designers, inventors, biologists, historians, cultural theorists, and anyone who thinks visually.

Disruptive Pattern Material: An Encyclopedia of Camouflage, by Hardy Blechman

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