Boing Boing Staging

Hello: eBoy – massive compendium of the premier isometric pixel illustrator group

eBoy is the name of a collective of four German artists who excel at drawing robots, blocky people and animals, cacophonous cityscapes, and weird weapons, machinery, and vehicles in the style of old video games.

Most of their work is done in Photoshop, using large pixels as their medium. Their art isn’t so much drawn as it is constructed out of blocks, like a super complex, R-rated Lego kit. The effect is arresting, funny, and sometimes (intentionally) disturbing.

I’m a longtime fan of eBoy and used their Peecol character font to create the logo for Boing Boing (a woman with a jackhammer, named Jackhammer Jill). Hello: eBoy book contains every image that eBoy created, from its founding in 1998 to 2002. (For a look at eBoy’s more recent work, get eBoy Pixorama.)

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