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Dragoncon cosplayers team up with EFF to fight for anonymity

It’s called “Project Secret Identity,” and it’s a joint effort with Southeastern Browncoats, ; the Harry Potter Alliance, the Baker Street Babes, Wattpad, , Organization for Transformative Works, and IO9.

During the campaign, cosplayers around the world can use to post photos of themselves in costume bearing pro-anonymity slogans, such as “I Have the Right to a Secret Identity” and “Privacy is Not a Fantasy.” Dragon Con attendees can also stop by the Project Secret Identity photo stations at EFF’s table (second floor at the Hilton Atlanta) and the Southeastern Browncoats’ booth (#1000 at AmericasMart).

“In J.K. Rowling’s novels, Voldemort came to power not only through coercion, but by monitoring, controlling, and censoring the Wizarding World’s lines of communication,” Harry Potter Alliance Executive Director Paul DeGeorge said. “In the real world, there is no charm-protected room where we can meet and organize in secret. What we have is the Internet and we need to fight to keep it free and secure.”

“Freedom from oppressive governments is central to the ethos of the Firefly fandom,” said Serenity Richards, captain of the Southeastern Browncoats. “By standing up for anonymity today, we can prevent ‘The Alliance’ from becoming a reality in the future.”

Cosplayers Fight for Online Anonymity and Privacy During Dragon Con

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