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Crowdfunding a print edition of Holdfast science fiction magazine

Laurel writes, “Holdfast magazine (a free, online speculative fiction magazine) has launched a fundraising campaign for our first-ever print anthology.”

Holdfast exists because of the wonderful writers and artists that contribute their time, effort and creativity for free. We want to recognise that writing and illustrating is work, and deserves to be rewarded.

So by supporting our anthology, not only will you be getting awesome stories, fascinating articles and fun prizes, you will also be supporting our wonderful contributors, without whom holdfast would not exist. All profits made will go directly to the writers and illustrators whose hard work and creativity fill the pages of holdfast, split equally for each contribution.

The Holdfast anthology will be a beautiful artefact, comprised of new unpublished fiction, and some of the best articles from our online magazine, all in one, gorgeous volume.

Read about a time-travelling law enforcer making a difficult choice, a cursed cycling tour that goes hopelessly and hilariously wrong, and what happens when the drugs don’t work on Sleeping Beauty in our fiction section. Discover what shark brains look like (spoiler: a human uterus), find out about the underrepresentation of Black women in science fiction, read a thank you letter to Margaret Atwood, and witness our attempts to convert a literary snob over to SFF in our non-fiction section.

Holdfast Magazine’s first speculative fiction and essay anthology

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