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Canada's On Spec magazine crowdfunding after grant is cut

On Spec, Canada’s leading science fiction magazine, faces closure after its Canada Council grant was abruptly, unfairly cancelled. They’re raising funds to keep going.

On Spec is a fantastic magazine that I’ve read since its first issue; they were the first magazine to publish any of my work, in a special youth issue in 1988 (I was 17). This is a terrible turn of affairs for the development and nurturing of Canadian science fiction and fantasy talent.

Our little quarterly journal, On Spec adheres to a strong mandate that has served us well over the years. We discover and showcase quality works by predominantly Canadian writers and artists, in the genre we call “Fantastic” literature. We foster the growth of emerging writers in this genre, by offering support and direction through constructive criticism, education, mentoring, and manuscript development. We try to publish as many new writers as possible, alongside works by established writers, and we also endeavour to support these writings with innovative cover art for every mind-bending and emotion-provoking issue!

On Spec Magazine is creating
Publishing science fiction, fantasy, horror and more!

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