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Ferguson: Militarized police use force against protesters, arrest journalists

Demonstrators in Ferguson, Missouri held protests today in the St. Louis suburb where a police officer recently shot an unarmed young black man, killing him and sparking outrage in this mostly black community.

The protests were peaceful for many hours, and turned chaotic when police shot rubber bullets, tear gas (or another form of noxious gas), used an LRAD sonic weapon to blast the crowd with painful sound, and assaulted protesters.

Livestreams: one, two, three.

From the Los Angeles Times:

“Hands up! Don’t shoot!” demonstrators chanted as they walked down West Florissant Avenue in a permitted march. Some young men at the back of the group raised their middle fingers as they passed a Ferguson Police Department officer, shouting profanities at him.

About 30 demonstrators, who were almost all black, sat down in the middle of an intersection near a line of about a dozen riot police, who were all white.

Huffington Post reporter Ryan J. Reilly
and Washington Post reporter Wesley Lowery were arrested. They were among reporters live-tweeting events in Ferguson this afternoon, and ducked into a McDonalds to recharge their smartphones and other devices. Subsequent tweets indicated they were taken into police custody. Lowery confirms: “Was arrested. Also Ryan Reilly of Huff Po. Assaulted and arrested. Officers decided we weren’t leaving McDonalds quickly enough, shouldn’t have been taping them.” Both journalists have been released, possibly thanks to a phone call from Matt Pearce of the LA Times to the Ferguson police chief, asking why the men were being held.

“Ferguson chief tells me Lowery and Reilly’s arresters were ‘probably somebody who didn’t know better,” tweeted Pearce. Here is video of the arrest.

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