Boing Boing Staging

Statue of Liberty made of parts from over 30 Statue of Liberty souvenirs


This statue by Chris Godfrey was made from different parts taken from over 30 different souvenirs.

After spending two months in New York, he says, “I wanted to buy friends and family sentimental gifts from my travels but was confronted by a monotony of generic and cheaply reproduced items.

“Using these, I decided to produce a one off object that shows its audience something new every time they look at it; replicating that feeling of discovery when first visiting a land of adventure.”

“Contrasting the oversaturated and novelty nature of our ‘Made in China’, yet apparently authentic souvenirs, the result is a one off and original piece; created from un-original, mass produced objects.”

We have featured another wonderfully weird work by this artist previously on Boing Boing.

[via Asylum Art]

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