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'Sista Girl' Felicia A. O'Dell's ultra-low-budget cooking videos are what the internet needs

“Motherfucker, this is not prison food.” If you haven’t seen “Sista Girl” Felicia A. O’Dell’s cooking videos, which have been making the internet rounds this week, man, you’re missing out. Her YouTube channel is called Sista Girl.

Above, “How to feed Seven people with just $3.35.”

She is hilarious, full of character, and can crank out a meal for an entire family with just a few bucks worth of ingredients, in 15 minutes. Here are her greatest viral hits. Strong language, including the n-word, the f-word, and others.

“She’s doing this for people who don’t have enough time or money to make things taste good,” says a young relative defending her internet honor in this video. “She was in the penitentiary for ten years. I would never mess with her. And she’s a genius.”

“Did you tell them I used to be a crackhead?,” Ms. O’Dell can be heard yelling off-camera.

This woman is hardcore, and 100% for real. I hope she gets her own cooking show on cable or something.

“Sweet Treats for the kids”

“Baked Chicken”

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