Boing Boing Staging

A 'Hack' logo, made of 7,600 LEGO bricks in 24 hours


7,600 LEGO bricks, 24 straight hours. Artist Alice Lee, who was previously namedropped (Boing-dropped?) on this blog, created this absolutely stunning typographic study in LEGO for Dropbox’s 2014 Hack Week.

Because this is such an unusual design medium, we ad libbed when we had to – from using medical tweezers (what we just had on hand) to pry and fling off misplaced Legos, to using a semi-archaic blueprinting program to map it all out. But in true hackathon spirit, I had a ton of fun (and got little sleep) while making this.

There’s step-by-step photo and video documentation at her website.

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