Boing Boing Staging

TSA employee to security theater skeptics: "You don't have shit for rights"

A person who “works for the TSA” accidentally posted a public comment to Facebook excoriating Rebecca Hains for expressing skepticism about the TSA’s efficacy.

The person saw Hains’s comments on a friend’s wall, and believed he was commenting privately to his friend, rather than publicly, and he quickly removed it. Hains captured his rant for posterity, though. It ends, “If you don’t like it, shut the fuck up. The Greyhound station is around here somewhere.”

I’ve redacted the commenter’s name and identifying details because I don’t want to make a scapegoat out of her/him. The issue here isn’t that one TSA employee feels this way, it’s that the entire organization operates as though this was its mission statement.

If Hains’s name sounds familiar, that’s because she’s the person whose cupcake was confiscated in 2011 by the TSA because the frosting was a “gel,” an event memorialized in song, baked goods, and weaselly bullshit from the TSA — this last really drives home the point I’m trying to make here, which is that the TSA either has nothing to do with security, or it is incredibly bad at it, and that it clearly doesn’t know this.

(Thanks, Rebecca!)

(Image: Vocal lessons, Tyler Bolken, CC-BY)

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