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"Crocodile" spotted in England

The “elusive reptile” was seen in the River Avon, reports The Bristol Post.:

Both sightings were given credibility by amateur footage released by a town councillor showing a dark object drifting towards the river bank. …
Step forward Tamara, who believes she may have captured the crocodile on her camera phone while out on a run on Tuesday evening.

Tamara, 29, a Spanish national living in Southville who works at clothes shop Zara, said: “I was running close to the Suspension Bridge and suddenly I saw something in the water but I didn’t really see it properly because I was scared.

“I had heard about a crocodile but that was a long time ago, so when I went home I checked on the internet and I saw that other people had seen it too.

“I felt scared at the time because the thing – whatever it was – was moving in the water.

I believe that this breed of crocodile is Crocodylus Quercus.

Return of the Bristol Crocodile? The “beast” is spotted close to Clifton Suspension Bridge

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