Boing Boing Staging

Stretch limo made from three bodged-together Deloreans

Redditor Viking 187 posted this image of a stretch Delorean made from three deloreansworth of parts — Marsandtherealgirl has context for it:

This was at the Delorean show last weekend!! I’m so bummed I missed it. I thought it was Saturday and Sunday, but it was only Saturday. My friend posted a photo of it with the doors shut. Here’s a monster delorean. Also, I was told there haven’t been this many deloreans in one place since the factory closed.

I showed up on Sunday but there wasn’t much going on. Just a few random ones left. It was kind of neat though because the 1st place winner was still there and he was hanging out with his car waiting for his ride to the airport. He showed me his car and turned on all the lights and sounds for me. It was badass We both work comic cons so I even got to exchange cards with him. He was crazy nice. So even though I missed the show, I still got to have a cool little look at the winning car! Worth my time

A limo made from three Deloreans [Reddit]

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