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FabLab: a free game that creates 3D printable toys

Makies, the 3D printed toy and game company, has launched FabLab, its inaugural game! FabLab is a free game for people eight and up, through which you create and customize a character and its accessories, which you can also get as real-world, one-off, custom-fabbed objects. MakieLab, the company that created FabLab, was founded by my wife Alice Taylor, and so I’ve had an inside view into the process by which the game and its back-end — which includes a remarkable toolchain for turning 3D game-objects into printable items — came into being. The Makies here in London are fantastic, and they’ve done brilliantly with the game, if I do say so myself. Please give the game a try — and tell your friends!

Makies FabLab! Out Now! |

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