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Kickstarting a kids' picture book about girls and science by Zack "SMBC" Smith

Zach Weinersmith, creator of the wonderful Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal and the Kickstarter-record-busting Trial of the Clone choose-your-own-adventure is unstoppable: he’s kickstarting Augie and the Green Knight: A Children’s Adventure Book , a girl-positive kids’ picture book about science. $25 gets you the book and the ebook (I bought in!).

Augie and the Green Knight is about 20,000 words long, and is a retelling of a famous medieval romance. The original story is about King Arthur’s court encountering a strange giant Green Knight and the quest that follows. In this book, we get to hear the Green Knight’s side of the story through the lens of a young nerdy girl named Augie.

Augie is an expert in biology, math, and a bunch of other subjects that adults find boring. She goes off one morning for adventure, only to find herself in a strange world of fantasy. There, she has to use all of her intelligence to save a brave knight from death.

Oh yes. Oh yes indeed. We are profoundly pleased to say that the great Boulet agreed to illustrate the book. There will be at least 10 gorgeous watercolor drawings of his, and hopefully more if we hit our stretch goals.

I believe this is the best thing I’ve ever written, and it’s a book I want to be able to give to my grandchildren some day. So, for this project in particular, we’re taking extra care to make the book itself a work of art. To that end, every single book will be hardcover with a cover image by Boulet. This book is very special to me, and I want the artifact itself to reflect my feelings.

We’re offering two levels for the books, both of which have a foil stamp exclusive to the kickstarter. One is a very nice color cover with foil stamp. The other, at a higher level, is a cloth cover with green foil stamp.

Augie and the Green Knight: A Children’s Adventure Book

(Thanks, Tom!)

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