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Most expensive, caffeinated Starbucks drink ever

Texas man still buzzing from 60 espresso shot starbucks drinkAndrew Chifari of Dallas, Texas used the free drink earned with his Starbucks Rewards card to get a $54.75 frappuccino containing 60 shots of espresso. He drank a third of it right then and the rest over a few more days. From Daily Zone:

“This particular customization was certainly excessive. It’s something that we don’t encourage,” said spokeswoman Maggie Jantzen.

Starbucks did not say whether it would revise its free-drink policies in response to Chifari’s order.

The coffee monstrosity is now recognized as the current record holder of the most expensive Starbucks drink by Caffeine Informer, an Internet site that keeps track of the coffee industry.

Caffeine Informer estimates the drink had 4,500 mg of caffeine, more than 10 times above what the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers to be a maximum safe amount for a healthy person to drink on a daily basis.

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