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Star Wars with Chinese characteristics

Jeff writes, “Chinese historian Maggie Greene has recently written about one of the strangest treasures in her collection: a Chinese comic book version of Star Wars from 1980, which she aptly describes (with scans to prove it!) as ‘a fascinating document’ that includes images she thinks may reveal ‘a fanciful imagining’ of life in a then dimly understood America or generalized West. She notes, for example, a ‘dinner scene where a duck (?) is being stuck into a toaster oven (!) & the table has not only a little hot plate, but a crockpot (or rice cooker) there, too.’ Whoever drew the pictures, she also points out, ‘makes some amusing flubs — Chewbacca appears in some scenes in a relatively credible way, in others looking like an outtake from Planet of the Apes. It also often looks like something out of a Cold War-era propaganda poster, at least where the details are concerned. Were the actors really garbed in Soviet looking space suits? Was Darth Vader really pacing before a map bearing the location of the Kennedy Space Center?’
[For those who can’t get enough of this topic, there are related tweets by both @mcgreenesd Greene herself and Chinese literary translator and now Chinese studies grad student @bokane Brendan O’Kane”

A Long Time Ago in a China Far, Far Away …

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