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Interfictions: A Journal of Interstitial Arts

Ellen Kushner writes, “The editors of Interfictions Online are happy to announce the birth of the journal’s latest issue, the third in the past twelve months of the trailblazing journal of the weird, the interstitial, and the uncategorizable. Interfictions: A Journal of Interstitial Arts is published online by the Interstitial Arts Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit devoted to giving border-crossing artists, academics, critics and the general public a forum and a focus to discuss and create works of art that defy categories and confound boundaries.

Interfictions Online is free and available online to all.

The editors of Interfictions Online see the boundaries between genres and forms as permeable membranes, not fortified borders. As writers and artists with one foot in the academic world and one in genre fiction of all kinds, we seek art that ignores boundaries, publishing work that might not find a home anywhere else.

The Spring 2014 issue’s non-fiction offerings include Mark Craddock’s poignant collage in “Aerial Acrobatics and Gender Reassignment Surgery – A How-To Guide,” while Inda Lauryn’s “Parallels and Transitions” splices analysis of contemporary female vocalists into a graduate school memoir. Isabel Yap’s “Life Is Not a Shoujo Manga” speaks for itself. And in an interview with Jeff VanderMeer and Jeremy Zerfoss, the two creators discuss their illustrated guide to writing, Wonderbook.

The fiction offerings remix tropes from ghosts to automata, with new work by Richard Butner, Su-Yee Lin, Kat Howard, Tade Thompson and S. Craig Renfroe Jr.

Several of the poems in this issue reimagine older narratives: Sridala Swami’s “AI Winter” draws on the Mahabharata, Sonya Taaffe’s “Double Business” on Hamlet, and Mary Alexandra Agner’s “Hypothesis Between Your Ribs” on the brief life of Charles Darwin’s daughter.

Interfictions Online | A Journal of Interstitial Arts

(Thanks, Ellen!)

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