Boing Boing Staging

Five years of being intimidated by the Harvard Bluebook's copyright policies

Rogue archivist Carl Malamud sez, “For five years, Professor Frank Bennett, a distinguished legal scholar at Nagoya University School of Law, has been trying to add Bluebook Support to Zotero, the open source citation tool used all over the world.

Professor Bennett asked Harvard Law Review for permission. They said no. He asked again. They said no again. He secured Larry Lessig as his lawyer. They said no to Lessig. I pitched in and got a bunch of angry letters from the most expensive law firm in Boston. Even a flaming headline in Boing Boing wasn’t enough to get the Harvard Law Review off their $2 million/year revenue stream to permit a little bit of innovation.

Frank Bennett finally said the hell with it after asking nicely for 5 years, and has now released Bluebook Zotero. It’s shameful that Bluebook, Inc. couldn’t deal with this situation in a better way.”

The Bluebook: A Plot Summary

(Thanks, Carl!)

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