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9th grader ignored by school board runs for a seat on the board

Bridget Erickson, a freshman at St Paul, MN’s Nova Classical Academy tried unsuccessfully to get the school board to create a student advisory seat on the board. Roundly ignored, she turned to the by-laws governing the board and discovered that there was no minimum age for board members, so she’s now she’s running for a full-fledged seat on the Nova Classical Academy school board.

Erickson is one of three candidates vying for two community member seats. She’s up against Tonya Johnson Nicholie and Roxane Lehmann. Her opponents have both served on the board before, but Erickson believes she has the upper hand.

“I think that I can understand Nova from the ground up and it’s important to see that since this is a community member spot. Nova’s community isn’t only outside of Nova’s walls it’s also the students,” the ninth grader said.

St. Paul 9th grader runs for school board [Boua Xiong/Kare]

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