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This Day in Blogging History: Covering the Boston Marathon bombing coverage; Clute on Ballard; Finger booty trick

One year ago today

Covering the Coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings: Hilary “Chartgirl” Sargent breaks down the highs and lows of the media coverage of this week’s attacks in Boston.

Five years ago today

JG Ballard eulogized by John Clute: His late novels never flinch from addressing the “elective psychopathy” that increasingly riddles the anaesthetised world we are now beginning to inhabit. It is a fate Ballard had been predicting for half a century.

Ten years ago today

Digital camera silliness: secret finger trick: This page has dozens of photos like the one shown here. Safe for work, but if your boss catches you checking it out, you’ll have to let her/him in on the secret.

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