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Web developers: EFF needs your help with important pro-democracy tool!

Rainey from the Electronic Frontier Foundation sez, “The Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Sunlight Foundation, and have teamed up to build a public domain tool that makes it easier for everyday people to contact Congress.

EFF wants to use it so that Internet users can effectively stop Congress from enacting laws that don’t make sense for technology and advocate for laws that protect our rights. But once it’s done, it will be free software that anybody will be able to use it and improve.

“There’s already a functional prototype, but it’s not quite finished: we need web developers to donate time to help us finish off creating individual files for each member of Congress.

Please pitch in for a few hours if you can, and help us make the voices of Internet users heard in the halls (or at least the inboxes) of Congress.”

Dear Web Developers: EFF Needs Your Help

(Thanks, Rainey!)

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