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This Day in Blogging History: How I Work; Welsh terror cops think jazz musician is a terrorist; Remix Everyone in Silico

One year ago today

Cory’s HOW I WORK interview: What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?

Ubuntu and the suite of GNU tools in any robust Unix system. A good text editor (currently Gedit)—I keep all of my working files at .txts. A robust, highly configurable browser (Firefox/Firefox for Android). A fast RSS reader (presently Google Reader, likely to be Newsblur next). A tetherable mobile connection—I use EasyTether for Android to circumvent tether-blocking as deployed by some of the carriers I use around the world, especially Rogers in Canada. AirDroid for moving files on/off Android devices in my life. An external USB battery (currently PowerGen 5200mAh External Battery Pack).

Five years ago today

Terror cops in Wales mistake jazz musician for terrorist: Victor Frederick, 63, was arrested and strip-searched just yards from his home, just moments after his partner Andrea Heath and their daughter had infra-red sights trained at them and were told they would be shot if they moved.

Ten years ago today

Everyone In Silico, licensed for remixing: My friend Jim Munroe is a brilliant sf writer, author of Angry Young Spaceman (which I reviewed for Wired), Everyone in Silico, and Flyboy Action Figure Comes With Gas Mask. Silico is a particularily interesting novel about the corporatization of public spaces (Jim used to be a managing editor at AdBusters), and among Jim’s publicity stunts for the book was a letter-writing campaign to corporations mentioned in the book, shaking them down for money for “product placement.”

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