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Kickstarting SCHMUCK: a comics memoir of "trying to date NYC"

David writes, “Award-winning photographer Seth Kushner is renowned for his photography book of portraits of comic book writers and artists (Leaping Tall Buildings). Seth Kushner spent much of his 20s dating, or trying to date, in New York City. For the last 6 years, Kushner has been writing a semi-autobiographical webcomic called SCHMUCK chock full of equal parts tragedy and comedy.”

$9 gets you a download of the book, $25 gets you a print edition.

This month Hang Dai Editions, the independent, Brooklyn-based publishing company is launching their first ever Kickstarter campaign to fund the print edition of SCHMUCK. If funded, the book will If funded, the print edition of SCHMUCK will be published this September with a new foreword by Jonathan Ames (HBO’s Bored To Death, The Alcoholic) and feature exclusive stories that have not appeared online by such artists as: Dean Haspiel Art & Entertainment, Josh Neufeld, Gregory Benton, Tony Salmons, James Smith and Tim Ogline.

SCHMUCK: A Graphic Novel

(Thanks, David!)

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