Boing Boing Staging

Nerdy Show interviews Mark

The folks at Nerdy Show interviewed me about Make magazine, and the upcoming Moogfest event, where I am curating a day of presentations about DIY electronic instruments.

Moogfest is a festival focused around electronic music with symposiums on futurism, art, and technology (April 23rd-27th, in Asheville, NC) and leading up to it, Nerdy Show has spoken with some of the incredible talent that’s been culled for this year’s event. In this episode we talk to the editor-in-chief of MAKE Magazine and founder of Boing Boing: Mark Frauenfelder, and Neil Harbisson of the Cyborg Foundation – the world’s first government-recognized cyborg!

Join Cap, Jon, and Hex as we learn about how Neil’s cyborg senses hear colors beyond human perception, the trails of becoming a cyborg, MAKE‘s panel on DIY instruments, Mark’s new project, Wink, which reviews books that can’t exist digitally, and other cool circuit-bending, body-hacking sci-tech goodness.

Episode 172 : Moogfest Bound with Makers and Cyborgs

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