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My City Garden: Boston-area yard-sharing service for urban gardeners

Gmoke writes, “My City Gardens is up and running for the season. We’re a local yard sharing website that connects gardeners, mentors, and people with access to space, to neighbors who want to roll up their sleeves and dig in. If you have extra space in your yard you’d like help cultivating, need a gardening plot this summer or are willing to lend gardening advise to your neighbors, please sign up!”

Our vision. Instead of urban and suburban areas being a sea of buildings connected by streams of concrete and monoculture lawns, imagine the places where you live and work surrounded by lush strips of tasty vegetables and beautiful flowers. Instead of running out of your apartment to buy salad that was grown in another state or continent, you could be running around the block to pick your own. We’re working towards this goal by creating a Boston-based yardsharing site, connecting landholders with little time or interest in working their outdoor spaces with neighbors who want to roll up their sleeves and start planting.

My City Gardens

(Thanks, Gmoke!)

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