Boing Boing Staging

Kickstarting a new Cheapass game with Patrick Rothfuss

Carol from the wonderful Cheapass Games writes, “Pairs is our latest project: a classic pub-style card game, designed by James Ernest and Paul Peterson. We’ve teamed up with Patrick Rothfuss to make decks with themes and artwork from the world of his Name of the Wind novels.

We still have 10 days left in the Kickstarter, and we’ve got over 3000 backers, and support that’s passed $100,000. As the campaign grows, we’re adding more card decks for backers to choose from.”

As of this morning, we’ve unlocked seven different card decks: two “Name of the Wind” decks with art by Shane Tyree, a pirate deck from Brett Bean, a barmaid deck by Echo Chernik, a clip art Fruit deck, a Goblin deck from Pete Venters, and a new edition of the classic Cheapass Game, “Falling”. Next up are decks from Cheyenne Wright, Phil Foglio, and John Kovalic, as well as two decks by Nate Taylor: another “Name of the Wind” deck, and a “Princess and Mr. Whiffle” deck, from Rothfuss’ not-for-children children’s book.

In a typical James Ernest move, James will be tweeting the final hour of the campaign from a steakhouse in Las Vegas. He’ll be in Vegas anyway for the GAMA game-industry trade show, and he figured there was no better place to chill after a grueling Kickstarter campaign. The party begins at 8:00 pm Pacific, on Friday March 14.

Pairs: A New Classic Pub Game

(Thanks, Carol!)

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