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The Christie Tracker is a godsend for Bridgegate scandal obsessives like me

A protestor outside a Chris Christie town hall meeting in Middletown, NJ (Matt Katz)

Carla is bemused by my obsession with the New Jersey Governor Christie Christie Bridgegate scandal. I can’t really explain it myself, other than to say it is interesting to watch public servants who can’t keep their psychopathy under control and shut down the world’s busiest bridge traffic out of spite. (I’m not saying Christie shut the traffic down, I’m saying the bad apples he surrounded himself did).

Until now, I’ve had to keep myself satisfied with Rachel Maddow’s excellent, unrelenting, obsessive coverage of the scandal on her nightly show, but now I can get mini-fixes throughout the day, thanks to The Christie Tracker, a website created by Matt Katz of WNYC. I’m so excited!

Here’s my prediction of how this will play out (I posted it to Facebook on January 21):

Once he runs out of people to throw under the bus, Christie will make a deal with investigators to resign in exchange for an end to the investigations and subpoenas. In his resignation speech Christie will say he is innocent of all accusations but is stepping down to stop the bad Democrats from harming the great state of New Jersey with their witch hunt. After a couple of months he will get a job on Fox News.

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