Boing Boing Staging

Kickstarting a pocket-sized board-game

Noah sez, “My dear friend Sam Strick of Laboratory and Scroll Down to Riker, is currently running a Kickstarter for an awesome board game that he designed, originally, to fit on the back of a business card. In addition to it’s ultra small form factor (which means I’ll be able to carry it with me wherever I go) it’s the first game I’ve seen that has a communal worker pool. That coupled with it’s lack of randomness means the game play has more of the feeling of something classic, like chess or checkers, than you’re standard eurogame. At $5 a pop it’s an easy – and painless – buy. For as long as I’ve known Sam his ideas have been strikingly unique and compelling, and rest assured that the extra money generated by this kickstarter, in addition to completing some of the cooler stretch goals, will lead directly to helping him and produce more awesome games.”

This ticks all my Kickstarter boxes: low cost to pre-order, indie creator with a track-record for shipping, fun, beautiful.

Here’s Province in his words: “Two families vie for power as you settle a new provincial town. Build camps and banks, smithies and harbors and control growth as your town develops! Province is a two player game where you must strategically manage your resources and workers to build, complete goals, and score the most victory points to win! The game features a communal worker pool representing the available workers in your town. Players move their workers to generate resources (Labor and Coin) that are used to build the various Structures, which in turn effect resource generation. But your opponent can also move the workers leaving you without the resources you need!”

Province – A Competitive Building Microgame for 2 Players

Thanks, Noah!)

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