Boing Boing Staging

Sochi's black-market Starbucks, courtesy of NBC

NBC’s Sochi headquarters includes a secret, prohibited Starbucks with a crew of 15 imported baristas that keeps the NBC crew fuelled and in good spirits.

NBC and Starbucks say that having drinks dispensed by a non-sponsoring organization (Starbucks) doesn’t violate the Olympics’ corporate lickspittlery rules because the Starbucks, being located inside the private NBC pavilion, is a “personal item.” The Starbucks presence at the Olympics is larger than 57 of the national delegations, and there’s a whole elaborate supply-chain of beans being specially imported.

For me, the bewildering thing about this whole deal is that they went to all this trouble to import what is ultimately pretty shitty coffee. I mean, go big or go home — bring in some beans from Tonx or Intelligentsia or Square Mile, get some of those badass baristas from Melbourne or Wellington, and really go to town. It’d probably be cheaper, and it’d taste about ten million times better.

(via Super Punch)

(Image: Starbucks: Breeds Like Rats, a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (2.0) image from hillaryandanna’s photostream)

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