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'How I work' tips from Lifehacker's Alan Henry, with a nod to Boing Boing

Alan Henry.

Lifehacker does a fun weekly feature sharing shortcuts, workspaces, and productivity tips of invited “experts and internet personalities.” Boingers Mark Frauenfelder and Cory Doctorow have been featured in the past.

This week, Lifehacker is talking about how they work, specifically Lifehacker writer Alan Henry’s “favorite gear, apps, tricks, and tools to stay productive when I’m on, and to have fun when I’m off.”

I was honored and flattered that Alan included some emailed advice I sent him some time ago, for those just getting started in journalism:

Find untold stories, things that fascinate you, and do your best to tell them honestly. There’s so little truth in the world these days, any small morsel of it is a precious thing that will be appreciated, and find a grateful audience.

Don’t look for “big” stories, just look for ones that matter to you. The more you work at it, the better your work will be, and the more people will see it.

He has some great advice of his own to share, one of which is his daily mantra, “eat the live frog first.”

Go have a read. And you can follow Alan on Twitter.

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