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Not Playing Podcast 010: The Funtouchables

In each episode of Not Playing, Lex Friedman and Dan Moren watch movies they’ve never seen – but that everyone else has. Watch the classics again for the first time, with Lex and Dan!

David Mamet. Brian De Palma. Lex Friedman. Dan Moren. There’s no prohibition on podcasts about 1987 American crime dramas, so this week, Not Playing watches The Untouchables.

Hot topics include Sean Connery’s terrible accent, under-appreciated Naked Gun parody origins, and whether Andy Garcia could successfully portray a young Robert De Niro should the need arise. (Answer: Maybe.)

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As with every episode of Not Playing, there are two versions of this episode available:

The Bite-Sized Version: We discuss what we know about the film before we watch, and then share our reactions immediately after the credits roll.

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The Commentary Track: We still discuss what we know about the film before we start watching it. Then, we provide a real-time commentary track on the film as it unfolds—and you can tag along. We’ll tell you when to press Play.

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