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This Day in Blogging History: Sordid story of PACER; Poor bankers on $500K/year; Florida officials threaten journalists

One year ago today

PACER capers: the sordid story of America’s for-pay lawbooks: A gripping and thorough account of the work to tear down the PACER paywall, which requires that Americans pay $0.10 per page to access court files, which are necessary to understanding and interpreting the law.

Five years ago today

Bankers can’t possibly afford NYC on a mere $500K/year: The lead story in today’s New York Times Styles section is all about the tremendous difficulties that executives at bankrupt companies receiving public bailouts will face if their salaries are capped at only $500,000. For example, many of these people might have to give up necessities like armed chauffeurs, twice-annual $16,000 vacations, and $4,000,000 summer homes. It’s really heartbreaking.

Ten years ago today
Florida’s officials threaten journalists who ask for documents: Nearly half of Florida county officials tested disgraced themselves last week, when journalists posing as average Americans attempted to retrieve government documents under Florida’s open access laws.

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