Boing Boing Staging

El Terrible: dark, spare noise pop from SF


My friend Terry Ashkinos is a veteran of San Francisco’s underground rock scene, having performed for years in bands like Elephone and, most recently, Fake Your Own Death. Terry, who by day molds the minds of our youth as a middle school social studies teacher, spent last summer in Berlin on a teaching fellowship. Alone and inspired, he wrote a handful of tunes that would become the foundation of El Terrible, his new group that now includes Scott Eberhardt on drums and vocals, and Adrian McCullough on bass, synth, and backing vocals. Tomorrow, El Terrible releases its first EP, on Breakup Records. Recorded by Rogue Wave’s Rob Easson, it’s an excellent self-titled collection of four dark, spare, and beautiful post-punk tracks. The album is available as a digital download for $4. Add $1 more and you get a limited-edition yellow cassette. Yes, cassette. Stream the whole thing above and purchase it over at El Terrible’s Bandcamp page.

El Terrible’s live debut and record release party is tomorrow night, Friday (2/7), at The Hemlock Tavern in San Francisco’s enchanting Tenderloin neighborhood.

And here’s an interview with Terry in today’s San Francisco Chronicle: “El Terrible plays dark and dense rock

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