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Word games with the "make your own Coke label" promo

Robbo sez, “Coke has set up a web site where you can design and share your own branded can of Coke. The idea, of course, was to have people slap their own name on the iconic can image and send it flying around the net to further embellish the Coke brand. But many are making use of the web page to insert a myriad of unintended messages. Everything from ‘Boycott Coke’ to ‘Puck Futin‘ – that one is because the web app doesn’t allow you to use the words ‘Fuck’ or ‘Putin’. But the English language is a remarkably wonderful and versatile thing – and it’s only a matter of time before Coke realizes they’ve opened the door very wide for a lot of very angry people to reach their foot in and kick ’em hard in the nads. Enjoy it, and share it, while you can.”

Update: Art writes, “Using the word ‘gay” in your Coke label results in the following message: ‘Oops. Let’s pretend you didn’t just type that.’ The word ‘straight’ is, however, perfectly okay to use.

Americablog has been quite vocal about Coke’s hands-off policy when it comes to gay rights and the Sochi Olympics. For example, when security guards wearing Coke logos on their uniforms took down a protester holding a small rainbow flag. Coke’s response was essentially ‘meh.'”

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