Bill O'Reilly gets the facts wrong about high school marijuana use

DPA's Board Member Dr. Carl Hart Smacks Down Bill O'Reilly

In the above clip, O'Reilly is seen arguing with Columbia University neuroscientist Carl Hart (author of High Price: A Neuroscientist's Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society) about the percentage of high school seniors who said they smoked marijuana recently. O'Reilly defends the number supplied to him by his research team, saying Hart should "take it up with the National Institutes of Health," to which Hart replies, "I am a council member on the National Institutes of Health. Your number is wrong… it's a fact." O'Reilly stares down at his papers and shuffles them, and says, "I doubt it's a fact because we don't get this wrong."

At the end of the segment O'Reilly says, in passing, that Hart's number is correct, but doesn't says anything about how this destroys his argument that today's teens are smoking more pot than teens in earlier years.

The Perfect Storm – Is America Going To Pot? – O'Reilly Talking Point