“Michael Bay just walked on stage, flubbed his lines, and walked off at a Samsung CES press conference,” reports Gizmodo’s Leslie Horn. “It was weird.”
MICHAEL: How is everyone today? My job as a director is I get to dream for a living.
HOST: Michael, you’re known for such unbelievable action. What inspires you? How do you come up with these unbelievable ideas?
MICHAEL: I create visual worlds that are so beyond everyone’s normal life experiences, and Hollywood is a place that creates a pure escape. And what I try to do, as a director… uhhhh … argh! The type is all off. Sorry, but I’ll just wing this.
HOST: Tell us what you think.
MICHAEL: Yeah. We’ll wing it right now. I try to take people on an emotional ride and, um.
HOST: The Curve [TV]. How do you think it’s going to impact how viewers experience your movies?
MICHAEL: Excuse me, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. *flees*
HOST: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s thank Michael Bay for joining us!
AUDIENCE: *applauds*
If you listen hard enough, you can hear the Adobe DRM server creaking under the weight of everyone firing up After Effects to add massive explosions into the above video.
UPDATE: Aaaand done. By John Herrman.
UPDATE: Michael writes that he “just embarrassed myself at CES“. He guesses that live shows aren’t his thing.