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Indian minister baffled by milk bath

A scandal in Maharashtra: A disgruntled worker from the Indian Nationalist Congress Party poured ink all over Hasan Mushrif, the party’s Labour Minister. The scandal redoubled when the Minister’s supporters surprised him at a party meeting with a “milk bath,” sitting him in a chair and pouring milk all over him to purify him. The Minister described himself as being equally baffled by the milk as he had been by the ink.

Speaking to reporters about the incident, Mushrif said, “I apologize for what my followers have done today. I did not realize what they are doing. Otherwise, I would have stopped them. I was baffled both the times, when they poured milk on me today and when the party worker poured ink on me.”

In protest against the ink-throwing incident, party workers closed all shops and business activities and called a bandh in Kagal, Mushrif’s hometown and constituency.

Maharashtra minister gets ‘milk bath’, apologizes [Times of India]

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