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Hanes's threat to Hanes Hummus: people might mistake chickpeas for underwear!

Canada’s Hanes Hummus has received a legal threat from Hanesbrands, Inc, who make underwear and other textiles, demanding that the four-person company change its name lest the public begin to tragically confuse chickpea paste with undergarments. Hanes Hummus’s lawyer wrote a spirited and funny letter explaining why Hanesbrands shouldn’t be worried about a separate Hanes trademark over dips and spreads, but given the relative size of the two parties, it seems likely that Hanes Hummus will lose its fight if Hanesbrands continues to play the bully.

“Hanes” is short for Yohannes. Hanes Hummus’s founder is named Yohannes Petros. He filed for a trademark on “Hanes Hummus” in Canada and the US.

“I was not aware that HBI [Hanesbrands Inc.] was in the business of manufacturing and selling hummus. In fact, I am confident that HBI is not in the food production business at all, let alone the production of fine and tasty hummus of the type manufactured and sold by Hanes Hummus,” Dooley writes.

“I was not aware that HBI’s T-shirts were edible, made with chick peas, lemon or garlic,” Dooley adds…

Dooley holds back no punches, writing to Hanes, “It is safe to assume that you have done no research whatsoever” and “If you had done that research, you would not have sent the letter because, in reality, no rational person who is familiar with Hanes Hummus could possibly allege any confusion between Hanes Hummus and HBI’s Mark or HBI’s product.”

Underwear Maker Hanes Wages Battle With Canadian Hummus Maker [SUSANNA KIM/ABC News]

(Thanks, Dee!)

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