Boing Boing Staging

Kickstarting an anthology of diverse steampunk stories

Publisher Steven Saus sends us a Kickstarter for “a diverse steampunk anthology from your favorite award-winning authors, including Jay Lake, Nisi Shawl, Ken Liu, and Lucy A. Snyder.”

The editor for this anthology came to me a year and a half ago with the idea. We’ve spent that time making sure we could get a truly diverse range of authors and characters and tell great stories. (We are not fans of “stick a gear on it” steampunk.)

We’re raising money on Kickstarter to do pay a fair rate to the authors – and with stretch goals of exclusive covers from James Ng, interior art, and possibly funding a second volume of diverse steampunk stories.

Steampunk World: A multicultural steampunk fiction anthology

(Thanks, Steven!)

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