Boing Boing Staging

Shia LaBeouf plagiarism accusation of the day

The LaBeouf Plagiarism Train of 2013 shows no sign of stopping,” writes Defamer’s Lacey Donohue. “at this point, he’s either the world’s biggest asshole and doing it on purpose, or the world’s stupidest asshole and can’t stop himself.” The latest: an “about” page on LaBoeuf’s Campaign Book website, copied verbatim from PictureBox.


Why is PictureBox? Because I love the things I love and I want to champion them. I tend toward outliers and I’m obsessed with the history of visual culture writ large and small. But look, ostensibly PictureBox is a publishing company. I publish around 10 books a year (graphic novels, prose, design, art, etc.) as well as assorted specialty items like DVDS, CDs, and prints. Each project comes from my own tastes and relationships, and are rooted in what I believe in. Since it’s just me running this thing, you’re pretty much seeing me through those books and this site.


Why The Campaign Book? Because I love the things I love and I want to champion them. I tend toward outliers and I’m obsessed with the history of visual culture writ large and small. But look, ostensibly The Campaign Book is a publishing company. I publish around 10 books a year (graphic novels, prose, design, art, etc.) as well as assorted specialty items like DVDS, CDs, and prints. Each project comes from my own tastes and relationships, and are rooted in what I believe in. Since it’s just me running this thing, you’re pretty much seeing me through those books and this site.

Just little ‘ol Shia!

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