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Not Playing Podcast 005: Mannequin Skywalker

Up this week is 1987’s Mannequin, one of Lex’s favorite ’80s comedies. It’s the story of Andrew McCarthy meeting Kim Cattrall, the woman of his dreams, even though she is mostly inanimate. And James Spader is at his weirdest, which is really saying something.

Hot topics include the appeal of window displays, the ancient Egyptians, and tolerance. Oh, and “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now.”

As with every episode of Not Playing, there are two versions of this episode available.

The Bite-Sized Version: We discuss what we know about the film before we watch, and then share our reactions immediately after the credits roll.

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The Commentary Track: We still discuss what we know about the film before we start watching it. Then, we provide a real-time commentary track on the film as it unfolds—and you can tag along. We’ll tell you when to press Play.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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