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GNU Privacy Guard crowdfunding for new infrastructure

GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) is the free/open version of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), the gold standard in secure email and other kinds of eavesdropping-proof, authenticated, private storage and communication. The GPG project relies on donations and voluntary subscriptions to keep up-to-date and support new platforms. They’re running a crowdfunding campaign that’s shooting for €24,000, which they’ll spend on rolling out an all-new site (with Tor access!), as well as GPG 2.1, tutorials, subscription management, material for people throwing Cryptoparties (security-training events) and many other laudable goals. I rely on GPG every day, so I’ve put in €100. I hope you’ll give, too.

Main features

– Brand new GnuPG website
– Release of GnuPG 2.1
– Anonymous Tor network access to
– New server for web infrastructure
– New user friendly design optimised for desktop and mobile
– Fresh download page catering to all devices
– Updated collection of external videos, guides, and courses
– New page for Cryptoparties
– Continued availability of all existing pages and manuals
– New subscription handling system for sustaining GnuPG development

GnuPG: new website and infrastructure

(Thanks, John!)

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