Mark Burnett, whose work has been featured here before, has used lists of leaked passwords to compile a master list of the 10,000 worst passwords (with accompanying wordcloud, see above); an astonishing 91 percent of all passwords used appear in the top 1000. Here’s the top 100, with their relative frequency:
password, 32027
123456, 25969
12345678, 8667
1234, 5786
qwerty, 5455
12345, 4523
dragon, 4321
pussy, 3945
baseball, 3739
football, 3682
letmein, 3536
monkey, 3487
696969, 3345
abc123, 3310
mustang, 3289
michael, 3249
shadow, 3209
master, 3182
jennifer, 2581
111111, 2570
2000, 2550
jordan, 2538
superman, 2523
harley, 2485
1234567, 2479
fuckme, 2378
hunter, 2377
fuckyou, 2362
trustno1, 2347
ranger, 2265
buster, 2254
thomas, 2194
tigger, 2192
robert, 2176
soccer, 2120
fuck, 2119
batman, 2108
test, 2097
pass, 2093
killer, 2044
hockey, 2040
george, 2033
charlie, 2013
andrew, 2009
michelle, 1977
love, 1960
sunshine, 1956
jessica, 1924
asshole, 1913
6969, 1889
pepper, 1881
daniel, 1822
access, 1817
123456789, 1793
654321, 1772
joshua, 1737
maggie, 1690
starwars, 1679
silver, 1666
william, 1662
dallas, 1659
yankees, 1657
123123, 1654
ashley, 1652
666666, 1645
hello, 1644
amanda, 1642
orange, 1623
biteme, 1621
freedom, 1612
computer, 1609
sexy, 1608
nicole, 1606
thunder, 1606
ginger, 1602
heather, 1597
hammer, 1596
summer, 1592
corvette, 1591
taylor, 1578
fucker, 1577
austin, 1554
1111, 1541
merlin, 1531
matthew, 1527
121212, 1499
golfer, 1491
princess, 1486
cheese, 1486
martin, 1469
chelsea, 1459
patrick, 1458
richard, 1457
diamond, 1432
yellow, 1422
bigdog, 1419
secret, 1406
asdfgh, 1403
sparky, 1400
cowboy, 1398
(via Beyond the Beyond)