Skateboarding kids in Mongolia are building a skate park in Ulaanbaatar. Here's how you can help.

Photo courtesy Mongolian "Uukhai" Skateboarding Association


[Video Link: "The Uukhai Documentary," dir. Odmandakh Bataa]

Michelle Borok is a culture-blogger from Los Angeles who has expatriated to Mongolia, where she is raising a family. She shares word of a really cool project there that could use your help:

This new film by Uukhai, a Mongolian skateboarding association, sheds intimate, honest and unpretentious light on a growing community in Ulaanbaatar. The video features interviews with skaters involved with the organization, and tons of footage of street skating shot this summer.

This look at a blossoming scene is the perfect inspiration for the jaded. Their old school is young, and they are devoted to bringing up brand new skaters. It’s also become a focal point for expatriates and repatriates. Take nothing for granted, certainly not your pristine sidewalks!

Uukhai is working to raise funds to provide young skaters with decks, components, and eventually an indoor skatepark. Support from abroad is very much welcome, and rarely bestowed on this community. In a city that offers young people very few creative outlets, Uukhai is supporting skating for all the right reasons, and could use your support as well.

They're looking for donated components, decks, or anything else people might feel the kids could benefit from. They aren't set up for cash donations from abroad just yet. Shipping to Mongolia can be arranged. They can be reached at:

The video.

Uukhai's Facebook Page.

Photo courtesy Mongolian "Uukhai" Skateboarding Association

Photo courtesy Mongolian "Uukhai" Skateboarding Association

Photo courtesy Mongolian "Uukhai" Skateboarding Association