Jerry Garcia on The Acid Tests – PBS Blank on Blank series

Jerry Garcia on The Acid Tests | Blank on Blank

PBS Digital Studios’ Blank on Blank web series is a great idea – they animate old audio interviews with notable people. Here's one with the Grateful Dead's Jerry Garcia on the "Acid Tests" – concerts where LSD was handed out to attendees.

We’d set up the equipment, everybody got high, and stuff would happen,” Jerry Garcia tells veteran record executive Joe Smith in an interview from 1988. November 27 marks the anniversary of the The Grateful Dead’s first-ever performance at the infamous Acid Test parties in Santa Cruz, when they still went by the name The Warlocks. The music legend talks about the Acid Tests and explains: “That was the most important six months as far as directionality [for the band].”

(My favorite Blank on Blank is with Farrah Fawcett)

Jerry Garcia on The Acid Tests – PBS Blank on Blank series