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This Day in Blogging History: Laser-cut bento; Shooping McCain's tongue; FCC adopts the Broadcast Flag

One year ago today

Laser-cut bento box: Matthew sez, “I just finished making this bento box featuring laser cut nori and thought you might care for it.”

Five years ago today

McCain tongue Photoshop contest results: Since McCain is certain he will win by a landslide today, surely he won’t mind a little harmless fun with the infamous Reuter’s tongue photo.

Ten years ago today
FCC screws America, adopts Broadcast Flag, doom, gloom, armageddon: The FCC today decided that it didn’t need to listen to the tens of thousands of Americans that wrote to it, asking to have this terrible proposal set aside, and instead adopted a rule proposed by billionaire movie studios whose biggest problem is figuring out how to spend the riches they made off the VCR after we saved their asses by telling them to get bent when they tried to get the Betamax banned the last time around.

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