Kickstarting an artist-in-residence for Philly hackspace

Georgia sez, "We've launched Kickstarter campaign to fund a residency just for artists who want to learn to code and hack hardware. The residency was created by The Hacktory, a makerspace in Philly that is proud to be friendly and inclusive. The project has already been awarded a Knight Arts Challenge grant that needs to be matched, so all pledges count twice towards our overall goal!"

This sounds like a good cause, and they've got some sweet donor rewards.

Electronics and digital technology can infuse works of art with an element of magic. At The Hacktory we have literally put this magic in people’s hands, through classes and large public events, but we want to do more. We want to make our classes available to artists, because they are usually the people most excited to take our classes and play with technology, but they are usually the least able to pay for our classes.

The Hacktory is creating a program called T.E.R.A. Incognita: Tech Education and Residency for Artists. Its goal is to support artists who want to create and experiment with technology such as cameras, projectors, sensors, robots, software and circuits. The name “T.E.R.A Incognita” is part acronym, part vision for the program. We want to give these artists an opportunity to learn and experiment at the edges of technology and art, literally in unchartered territory, to create new experiences and new possibilities with code, hardware and creative expression.

T.E.R.A. Incognita: Tech Education & Residency for Artists
(Thanks, Georgia!)